Properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit, and it doesn't hurt the untroubled spirit, either. ~Elizabeth Zimmerman

26 October 2008

Take it from the Top-The Sweet Potatuh Sweater

You're the top! You're the Coliseum.
You're the top! You're the Louvre Museum.
You're the melody from a symphony by Strauss.
You're a Bendel bonnet,
A Shakespeare sonnet,
You're Mickey Mouse!
You're the Nile! You're the Tow'r of Pisa.
You're the smile on the Mona Lisa.
I'm a worthless check, a total wreck, a flop!
But if baby I'm the bottom, you're the top! Cole Porter

I suffer from a disorder...ADKD, Attention Deficit Knitter's Disorder...I am always itching to move to the next project, always designing the next thing up on the needles...I can't wait to finish what I am working on so I can start casting on the next great thing!!

That is why I am so excited to have rediscovered Knitting from the Top, or Neck Down Knitting...when you are are done! Move on..cast on the next one..Love that!

Here is the sweater that brought me back to knitting on a circular needle (Hello! great for traveling!!...What have I been thinking , poking the person in the seat next to me...)From the Off the needles...

Love this pattern... it is Pamela Wynne's February Lady Sweater which can be found on Ravelry

I have always made lots of sweaters in the round, but from the bottom which gives you a more yokey look(great for Icelandics). Knitting from the neck allows for more drape and you can try it on as you go to see if you like what you are doing, the length of the sleeves.... The neck is often more open knitting this way, which is why it is used for baby patterns so often,

Nashua Handknits Leaf Yoke Cardigan
but you can cast on fewer stitches and increase out as you go. When knitting from the neck down you just have to be sure you mark your sections off properly and keep track of your rows and you are good to go.

Here are some ideas done From The top to inspire...Have fun, you'll be on to the next project before you know it!!

Chic Cables and Lace Cowl Neck from Sweaterbabe

Wendy Bernard's Ingenue from

Shalom Cardigan from Meghan McFarlane's blog Involving the Senses

Flair from Wendy Bernard's Knit and Tonic

Vine Lace Top Down from SweaterBabe

Good Reads for the Neck Up to Knit from the Neck Down

On the Needles!

Off the Needles

Pearls from the Yarn Basket