Properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit, and it doesn't hurt the untroubled spirit, either. ~Elizabeth Zimmerman

28 January 2012

Time to Cowl-UP!

via beautifullife4me
February is a strange knitting month for me.  I am looking toward spring but not quite ready to cast on just yet and at the same time I am ready to move on from the bulkies.
via Americo Originals

What's an itchy sheep to do???  Cowl Up!

via fernibook

Quick, loopy,wrappy, happy and oh so useful--even on a warmer day when I may not wear a coat I pop on a cowl.

via Zsa Zsa Bellagio
The other thing I love about cowls is no matter your knitting mood you can cast on and be done quickly-

via Richesforrags

You can choose to KISS (keep it simple ...)

Cambrian Cowl, Alana Dakos-Coastal Knits

Skye Cowl, Pam Allen

Gap-Tastic,Jen Geigley

Garter Stitch Eternity, Andrea Sanchez

...Play with Stitches

Big Herringbone Cowl,Purl Soho

Avery,Melissa LaBarre

Cocoon Me Cowl, Rosyposy Designs
State Street Cowl,Pam Allen

Cupido, Please don't eat the Daisies

Annie, Jane Richmond

Honey Cowl,Madelinetosh

...Toss in Some COLOR

Dots Cowl,  Hilary Smith Callis
Shibui Array

Arrows Cowl, Hilary Smith Callis
Spots Cowl, Hilary Smith Callis

World's Fair, Cathy Carron

...STRIPE it Up

Ships and Seaside, Tiny Owl Knits

Striped Cotton Cowl, The Purl Bee

The Green Monster, Ellen Cohen-In the Loop

Giselle,Susan Mills
...Open it up with graceful LACE

Imogen, Carrie Bostick Hoge

Bristol's Cowl, Bristol Ivy

A Thousand Splendid Suns,ceciknits

Gossypium,Jenn Kinzel

or maybe Get your CABLE on

Deep Haven,Bonnie Sennott

Tuesday Night Cowl, Susan Lawrence

It's My Party,Stitch Poet


Aran-go Braid, Cathy Carron

Chain Link Cowl,Vickie Howl

Entwined,Tanis Gray

Cowls of course are also a fabulous way to use up some stash--you know my stash theory-make a hole in it--go fill the hole :) 

Gemma Corell via thingsheloves

On the Needles!

Off the Needles

Pearls from the Yarn Basket